How to create your own destiny
Updated: Jul 12, 2022

As easily as we plan our day, we can plan our destiny. As easily as we make a decision, for instance, to walk across the room and open a window, we can walk across the room of our hearts and open ourselves to any possibility we desire.
Have you ever had a day coming up with great anticipation that ended up going wonderfully, just as you expected? Weddings are a good example. So much intention and focus goes into a perfect wedding and then the wedding comes and mostly goes according to plan and better: a series of perfectly planned and experienced moments.
Sometimes weddings don't go according to plan. Sometimes weddings can go terribly wrong even after someone spends hours and hours making sure everything will be perfect. Why?
Religion calls this the narrow path: a path of perfect harmony, a series of perfect moments, in which the slightest misstep can have dire consequences. It's like balancing a ball on a string: you are the ball and the string represents your conscious experience. The better someone gets at balancing the ball and walking the narrow path, the better and better their luck will appear to be by an observer.
As humans, we have the ability to make decisions about our day; therefore, we also have the ability to make decisions about our destiny. As easily as we would walk across the room to open a door, we make concrete decisions about our conscious experience.
Humans have various super advanced philosophical and spiritual teachings, like Hindu sutras, as a result of their hidden majestic lineage as Gods with amnesia.
"Like water off a duck" perfectly represents the ability of someone to keep control of their conscious experience even after encountering an unsettling event or person.
"The grass is always greener" perfectly represents the tricky nature of our subjective viewpoint and how it can often contribute to decisions that do not serve us.
"Is the glass half full or half empty?" perfectly represents the ability of our conscious awareness to transcend negative emotions based on a literal decision to be positive.
"Easier said than done" perfectly represents the skillful application of our conscious awareness in remaining psychologically and emotionally balanced, what ancient people call walking the narrow path.
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" perfectly represents how our entire future conscious experience can be altered instantly based on our decision to take the first step in a new direction.
"A watched pot never boils" perfectly represents the mechanism of the obsessive tendencies of sentient consciousness to interfere with conscious desires. In the wedding example that did not go according to plan, it's this mechanism that has an effect on the expression of reality, a multifaceted destiny of converging wills and desires from multiple people in complex situations.
"Actions speak louder than words" perfectly represents the importance of our decisive will in manifesting our desires rather than just speaking or thinking about them passively from a distance.
"All roads lead to Rome" perfectly represents the idea that all decisions can potentially lead us to a more accurate version of our selves. Quite often, masters of different backgrounds like carpenters or sushi chefs, will have very similar advanced philosophical comprehensions as a result of the development of their masteries.
"Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness" perfectly represents the power of our conscious intent to manifest aspects of our life through the energy of our emotions; whether the emotions are constructive or destructive, will bring their own respective experiences to the individual.
"Do not cry over spilled milk" perfectly represents the mechanism our emotional self can have on our conscious experience of existence; constructive or destructive thoughts and emotions have a tendency to draw more of the same to the individual (law of attraction).
"Cross the bridge only when you come to it" perfectly represents how our consciousness can cause anxiety or disheartening thoughts that will have a tangible effect on future outcomes due to the power of our emotions and how they manifest constructive or destructive manifestations.
As a people, we have been fed this fiction that divine intervention or some external force remains the only way in which our lives can experience better circumstances. In yoga, they teach that the conscious intent of a person literally represents the same cosmic creation spirit referred to as "God" by all the world's religions.
With our conscious intent, we have the ability to make decisions about our future, quite literally creating our own desired destiny, just as Gods do, as easily as we would walk across the room and pick up a cup. Is the cup half full or half empty? Indeed, the choice, along with the power to create, rests in your hands!