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Prenatal Caffeine-Poisoning-Induced Addiction Syndrome

Writer's picture: SattvanandaSattvananda

Updated: Jun 22, 2022

Various types of extreme addictions are currently debilitating millions of modern children and this addictive behavior may be linked to the consumption of caffeinated products by mothers while carrying their children in the womb.

Modern day children are facing several types of addictions including addictions to porn, sugar, caffeine, drugs, pharmaceuticals, alcohol, antidepressants, relationships, social media, screen time, texting, good grades, gaming, French fries, junk food, soda, ice cream, pizza, carbs and many, many other forms of addiction. Children, teens and young adults are clearly unable to manage addiction due to chemical imbalances and alterations of the white-matter connections in the brain after prolonged exposure to prenatal caffeine-poisoning!

The western medical mindset does not contain the reasoning necessary to even begin addressing the mass addiction psychology we are witnessing in millions of our youth. For decades, now, the western medical mindset sits idly by, totally inept, because they lack the ability to identify what exactly occurs inside a child’s brain that predisposes them to addictive personality disorders!

Let us now examine the intellectual acuity of the western medical mindset with regard to prenatal-caffeine-poisoning. From the March of Dimes, an organization established specifically for the protection of children and mothers, in a publication entitled “Caffeine in Pregnancy”, they plainly state: “We don’t know a lot about the effects of caffeine during pregnancy on you and your baby. So it’s best to limit the amount you get each day. If you’re pregnant, limit caffeine to 200 milligrams each day. This is about the amount in 1½ 8-ounce cups of coffee or one 12-ounce cup of coffee. If you’re breastfeeding, limit caffeine to no more than two cups of coffee a day.”

In a publication from the Official Publication of the College of Family Physicians of Canada, entitled “Is caffeine consumption safe during pregnancy?”, it states: “…most of the data do not suggest an increased risk of adverse pregnancy, fertility, or neurodevelopmental outcomes with caffeine consumption of 300 mg/d or less from all sources. Therefore, consumption of 1 to 2 cups of coffee a day is not expected to be a concern.”

The Health Link organization, from British Columbia, in a publication entitled “Caffeine During Pregnancy” states the following, “Many women have caffeine during pregnancy. And in small amounts, caffeine is safe for the baby. It’s a good idea to keep your caffeine intake below 300 mg a day.”

We can see from the source materials listed above that caffeine usage by pregnant and breastfeeding mothers has become acutely normalized. These official publications, from well-established, well-funded and highfalutin organizations, all seem to cite the same caffeine milligram thresholds for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, in what must be a totally coincidental and perfectly coordinated lockstep conducted by big pharma. Such coordination in the western medical mindset should not surprise us because of the far-reaching infiltration, inundation and manipulation that always accompanies assertions being put forth by big pharma and the criminal western medical mindset at large.

Now we will go over some basics of biology, in order to establish a consummate foundation with which we can build our assertions. From the Natural Birth and Baby Care website, in a publication entitled “Blood Mixing During Pregnancy” it states, “Usually a mother and baby’s blood do not mix while the baby is in the womb. The mother’s blood runs alongside the placenta, and the nutrients needed by the baby are absorbed and transferred to him/her. A membrane separates baby’s blood and mother’s blood — all the baby’s blood is contained within the baby and placenta.”

When we examine various medical resources, we indeed find that the mother’s blood does not mix with the baby’s blood in utero, but this perspective does not fully account for the transportation of nutrients, including caffeine, to the fetus.

In a publication regarding a scientific study from Iowa State University, published in the peer reviewed journal Global Challenges, about nutrient transfer to fetuses in utero, it states:

“The engineers introduced a caffeine concentration of 0.25 milligrams per milliliter — a concentration deemed safe by U.S. Food and Drug Administration guidelines — to the maternal side of the model for an hour and then monitored changes over 7.5 hours, according to the paper. At six and a half hours, the maternal side reached a steady caffeine concentration of 0.1513 milligrams per milliliter and the fetal side reached a steady concentration of 0.0033 after five hours.”

In a publication referencing a medical study about caffeine exposure in utero, from the University of Rochester, published in the peer reviewed scientific journal of Neuropharmacology it states:

“Researchers analyzed thousands of brain scans of nine and 10-year-olds, and revealed changes in the brain structure of children exposed to caffeine in utero… Elevated behavioral issues, attention difficulties, and hyperactivity are all symptoms that researchers observed in these children… Investigators analyzed brain scans of more than 9,000 nine and 10-year-old participants in the ABCD study. They found clear changes in how the white matter [of the children’s brains] tracks — which form connections between brain regions — were organized in children whose mothers reported they consumed caffeine during pregnancy.”

In a different publication regarding the same study from the director of the Del Monte Institute for Neuroscience at the University of Rochester, it states:

“For years, pregnant women have been told to limit their caffeine intake to lower their risk for miscarriage or preterm birth, but this new study suggests that pregnant women who consume any coffee may be more likely to have kids with behavioral issues later in life. Brain scans of kids whose mothers consumed caffeine during pregnancy showed changes in pathways that could lead to behavioral problems later on, including attention difficulties and hyperactivity. The changes tracked with higher scores on checklists for problem behaviors seen among kids whose moms reported drinking coffee while pregnant… While it’s known the fetus can’t break down caffeine when it crosses the placenta, Foxe said exactly how or at what point in pregnancy caffeine leads to these changes is not fully understood.”

In the above medical references we just examined together, we can confidently generate the following assertions:

1. Caffeine ingested by the mother can be detected in the fetus

2. Caffeine significantly alters the developing brain of the fetus

3. Alterations in the brain caused by prenatal-caffeine-poisoning cause behavioral problems

4. Caffeine-poisoning significantly alters connections between different parts of the brain

5. Caffeine-poisoning in utero leads to attention problems and hyperactivity

6. Developing fetuses cannot break down caffeine upon being poisoned

Now let us examine what caffeine actually does to the brain. In a scientific article about caffeine induced reduction of cerebral blood flow oxygenation going to the brain, published in the peer reviewed journal of Human Brain Mapping, it states:

“Caffeine reduced CBF [cerebral blood flow to the brain] by an average of 27%… high users had a trend towards less CBF [cerebral blood flow to the brain] than the low and moderate users. Our results suggest a limited ability of the cerebrovascular adenosine system to compensate for high amounts of daily caffeine use.”

In the study, researchers found that regular caffeine users, who abstained from caffeine for several days, still had lower cerebral blood flow going to the brain, which led to their assessment of “Our results suggest a limited ability of the cerebrovascular adenosine system to compensate for high amounts of daily caffeine use”, meaning that, even people who take breaks from caffeine experience a constant reduction of around 30% in cerebral blood flow because the human brain cannot tolerate nor withstand even small amounts of caffeine.

From the book Cerebral Circulation, available at the National Library of Medicine, it states:

“The brain uses ~20% of available oxygen for normal function, making tight regulation of blood flow and oxygen delivery critical for survival [133]. In a normal physiological state, total blood flow to the brain is remarkably constant”

In this educational textbook about cerebral blood flow circulation, it identifies that total blood flow in the brain is “remarkably constant”, and that the constant and predictable flow of oxygen going to the brain is “critical for survival”. Even small amounts of caffeine can reduce the total cerebral blood flow of oxygen to the brain by around 30%, which should never happen in our natural physiology because the tightly regulated constant flow of blood oxygenation going to our brain is critical for our survival.

Now let us examine exactly what happens when humans suffer from chronically low cerebral blood flow to the brain. In a scientific publication, from Cornell University and the French National Centre for Scientific Research, entitled “Alzheimer’s: reduced cerebral blood flow plays a central role in the disease’s development” it states: “While the existence of reduced cerebral blood flow among Alzheimer’s patients has been known for decades, its role in the disease’s development and its underlying mechanisms was not well understood until the present” indicating that lower than average cerebral blood flow to the brain causes a person to be predisposed to neurological illnesses such as Alzheimer’s.

From a very well cited article regarding caffeine dependence, it states:

“Reduced CBF is noted in Alzheimer’s Disease, and affects the metabolism of the brain and increases the likelihood of cognitive impairment. This study states, “A stable supply of CBF is critical for normal brain function.” Further, Dr. Daniel Amen, psychiatrist and brain disorder specialist, explains, “decreased cerebral blood flow lowers cognitive function and can exacerbate emotional and mental health problems.””

Now we are being led, quite naturally, back to the effect of caffeine-poisoning on the brain of developing children. Dr. Daniel Amen, a psychiatrist and brain disorder specialist, explains that decreased cerebral blood to the brain can lower cognitive function and can exacerbate emotional and mental health problems, like the neurological injuries being expressed as behavioral disorders in children after being exposed to caffeine-poisoning in the womb!

Our children are facing life threatening situations as a result of caffeine-poisoning, and, not only that, but our children are struggling with mysterious addictive personality disorders at alarming rates, while the western medical establishment cannot determine why or how, and further still, they are actually promoting the assertion that moderate caffeine usage in pregnant women is safe for children!

In a publication from the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychology, it stipulates long-term exposure in children to caffeine can lead to irritability and mood problems, increased risk of substance use problems, increased sugar intake and an increase in difficulty quitting other substances: perfectly summarizing the addictive personality disorders being manufactured in children after being exposed to caffeine-poisoning in utero, who are obviously suffering from Prenatal Caffeine-Poisoning-Induced Addiction Syndrome!

Note from the author: Are you, or someone you know, struggling with depression, anxiety, antidepressant dependence, lethargy and listlessness resulting from coffee or alcohol addiction? These issues, may all, in fact, be a direct result of caffeine-poisoning either occurring in the womb as a fetus or as a young adult! A complex interplay between addiction psychology, trauma response and brain chemistry elicits behavioral and mood disorders that often are co-occurring in caffeine and alcohol addicts. Do you need help surmounting addiction psychologies? Do you need help surmounting the limitations of atypical brain chemistries? You are not alone! Go to my website and schedule a counseling session today!

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