Severe Menstrual Changes in RNA Vaccine Recipients

In medical autopsies of vaccinated individuals, doctors found high concentrations of synthetic spike proteins congregating in the brain and heart tissue (because large numbers of ACE2 receptors are located in those areas).
Synthetic spike proteins are toxic and also capable of passing through the blood brain barrier which reduces ability to speak, cognition and reasoning by causing inflammation of the brain.
Much like viral infections, the patient’s own cells are commandeered and forced to produce synthetic spike proteins after being injected with RNA gene therapies.
Premenopausal women are less susceptible to sudden death than men from the RNA injections because they can eject infected, coagulated and clotted blood during their periods.
This is also the reason why thousands of women are experiencing heavier periods sometimes lasting for 3 weeks, as well as stark changes in their moon cycle.
This is also the reason why menopausal women who have not had a period in years suddenly start having their period again, because if they didn't, they would surely die from COVID-19 Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT).