Why Did They Build Ancient Structures?
Updated: Mar 24, 2023
The hidden basis of both ancient and modern technology
Ancient structures puzzle modern day scientists of the western scientific mindset because their minds are being corralled into singular disciplinary approaches, quite often, requiring them to work together across various intellectual fields, rather than synthesizing such disciplines in their own person and from their own perspective. How did they build the pyramids? How did they build Stonehenge? How did they use the temple of the sun? Why did they build gobekli tepe? Why did they carve the Kailasa temple out of a single gargantuan piece of rock? These are the questions often asked by ethnocentric members of the western scientific mindset and all they have are incomplete speculations and guesses from limited states of awareness, without a semblance of comprehension nor authority.
What are the largest modern structures of our times and what are their uses? The cyclical nature of human experience can tell us a lot about our past, present and future, but this information never seems to make it to the nightly news. For today's purposes, we will examine some of largest undertakings of modern civil engineering.
Water and energy are the biggest civil engineering projects humans currently create for the processes required by modern life. The Hoover dam, for example, was designed with the help of one of the most notable modern scientists of our day, Nikola Tesla, who totally changed the way we think about power, energy, space, magnetism and vibration. The Hoover dam weighs an estimated 6.6 million tons, and, for comparison, the great pyramid of Giza weighs around 5.7 million tons. The Hoover dam provides electricity to three different states, spanning hundreds of miles, with the help of massive generators at its base that generate three million horsepower.
One of the most important similarities between the Giza pyramids and the Hoover dam are both their proximity to, and, how they operate in conjunction with, water! Much like the Hoover dam, the function of the Giza pyramids also depend on the proximity to water. Indeed, Nikola Tesla's famous energy transmission tower utilized the very same engineering principles as the Giza pyramids because he fully comprehended the advanced mindsets of ancient peoples. Like these two engineering mindsets mentioned above, the exact same design principles were found being utilized at the Mexican pyramid of Chichen Itza. All of these designs from Nikola Tesla, the Giza pyramids and Chichen Itza utilize flowing water directly under them for specific purposes! Indeed, the Hoover dam also rests atop a massive underground waterflow in the exact same way as the other designs outlined above and for the exact same purposes!
It might seem a little hard to believe, but you must know that western mindsets are kept tightly controlled, in a perpetual state of low-information, due to a strict adherence on the limited capacities of ethnocentric mindsets and how they use fictitious authority over the subject matter to manufacture incomplete scientific consensus. Take these researchers who developed energy from falling drops of water: this is literally the same technological principle used by ancient peoples.
At the Giza pyramid, researchers found that the design of the pyramid itself, including the materials, angles, orientation and underground water source, all contribute to the accumulation of energy, similar to the purposes of the Hoover dam. In a paper examining the electromagnetic trapping properties of the Giza pyramid, we see that, under certain conditions, energy can be generated, and possibly even transmitted, given the radiating patterns of the energy fields themselves very similar to the Hoover dam. In another study that scanned the energy differentials of the Giza pyramid, they found that the energy accumulated along the hard angles of the pyramid, most likely having to do with the overall function of the technology itself.

In 1964, it was noted that one of the shafts in the Great Pyramid pointed directly toward Orion's Belt, during the time of its construction, then theorized to be around ten thousand years ago. The pyramid complex itself, at Giza, closely resembles the constellation of Orion's Belt, and, with the shafts pointing directly to the culturally significant constellation, one wonders exactly what they were aiming, especially after considering the energy buildup taking place inside.
There are many pyramids around the world that exhibit the same design parameters, as well as the same curious energy phenomena. The pyramids themselves form an extensive network around the world, very similar to the network formed by power plants today, or by modern cities, yet more modern day similarities. There have even been pyramids found in Antarctica and giant pyramids found under water, in various places, all probably contributing, in part, to this ancient global connection.

Now we will examine other forms of energy used by ancient peoples: sonoluminescence and piezoelectricity. With these physics principles, ancient peoples constructed physical buildings in the counterspace image of the necessary frequency they intended to derive as the function of their machines. Researchers, scientists and historians alike are perpetually puzzled by the intricate carvings that can be found in ancient structures, often asking why our ancient peoples went through such trouble constructing such perfect details and it all has to do with the similar precise and concise design principles of modern day circuit boards and computers. Many other forms of acoustic machines can be found all over the world including the pyramids at Chichen Itza, Hindu temples of India, Stonehenge, South Africa.
Life on Earth does not resemble the fiction being portrayed to us on the television and by social media. Such organizations form an indoctrination apparatus that targets our opinions of reality with the illusion of confidence created in us by what we perceive as the validity of empirical knowledge. We grow up being told the Earth is round or flat, that there are 8 billion people on Earth, and many other types of trivia, but very rarely do we personally participate in the experimentation required to verify these assertions, and yet, we feel quite confident in thinking and believing these things to be true, based on how we perceive the veracity of empirical knowledge, as it is taught to us in school.
Modern day buildings are constructed from the very same materials that were once used to create the ancient network of buildings we see around the world. Instead of steel beams, our ancestors used ferrous rocks like granite, instead of copper wires to transmit energy, they used the quartz contained in sandstone. Modern day buildings are grounded deep into the Earth, just like modern day circuit boards, all connected together to perform similar types of functions, functions that are never explained to us on the nightly news.
A city functions just like a circuit board, with various elements participating in unison just like modern day computers. This episode, from the popular TV show called Rick and Morty, happens to coincidently explain the situation in staggering detail. Ever wonder why cities are covered in concrete and asphalt streets? Quartz contained in the sand of the concrete and asphalt charges up when exposed to the heat or pressure from cars driving along the road, people walking on the sidewalk or even sun heating up the concrete. All of this energy charges up the circuit board of the city to normal operating voltages, directing the energy to different pathways and junctions just like a computer.
Human technology suffers from absolutely laughable efficiency standards, as a result of corporations working through governments to keep efficiency low and thereby increase profits by increasing the rate of usage. The electrical grid, for example, is only around 30% efficient, meaning that 70% of the energy being produced is lost. Of the energy that is created, the 30% that actually goes to the grid, it takes another massive reduction through the process of various conversions on its way to the appliance. Several publications have essentially determined that the United States, similar to every other so called developed country on Earth, wastes nearly 90% of its total energy output simply as escaping heat. Out of the total cost for energy being encountered by the typical person around the world, only 10% of the actual cost is being utilized by the customer. Cars are much the same swindle, wasting 70% to 80% of the total energy produced as heat and unburned fuel. In California, the gas prices are $7 a gallon, meaning that, out of a typical 10 gallon tank, with a cost of around $80, consumers are paying around $70 for literally nothing. Where does all this energy go, you may be wondering? Why are efficiency standards kept so intentionally low, aside from profits? Well, all this energy escapes as infrared energy, as heat, most certainly being captured by the city grid, in the process we have just explained, through the conductive circuit path created by quartz and iron under pressure and heat.
Now let us examine some notable constructions around the world and how they may interact with the energy being generated by city centers, specifically, as antennas. The Canton tower in Guangdong, China, one of the tallest buildings in the world, towers over the landscape, extending far above the other buildings in the vicinity. In the compilation below, I created a visual compilation of the physical principles we see emulated in the field dynamics of the torus and hyperboloid being generated by the building. All of that energy being wasted by modern efficiency standards gets captured by the grid and shunted to massive antennas, similar to the star shafts of the Giza pyramids, but, in the case of the Canton tower, where is the energy going and what would be the process of tracking the energy pathway from a multidirectional antenna, as opposed to the directional antenna from the Giza plateau?
